Stefan Baeßler
Ph.D., 1996, University of Heidelberg
Associate Professor
Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
Research Interests
Professor Baeßler does research in fundamental symmetries, that is, precision tests of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. His main activities are devoted to physics with cold neutrons at the SNS in Oak Ridge/Tennessee. He conducts experiments that study neutron beta decay (Nab and pNab). In addition, he is testing gravity with cold and ultracold neutrons at the ILL in Grenoble/France (GRANIT), and he is determining the magnetic moment of the muon (g-2) at Fermilab and tries to explain why it deviates from theory (MUonE) at CERN.
Selected Publications
- S. Baeßler, H. Acharya, R. Alarcon, L.J. Broussard, M. Bowler, D. Bowman, J.H. Choi, L. Christie, T. Chupp, S. Clymer, Ch. Crawford, G. Dodson, N. Fomin, J. Fry, M. Gericke, R. Godri, F.M. Gonzalez, G. Greene, A. Hagemeier, J. Hamblen, L. Hayen, Ch. Hendrus, A. Jezghani, H. Li, N. Macsai, M. Makela, R. Mammei, D.G. Mathews, A. Mendelsohn, P. Mueller, A. Nelsen, J. O’Kronley, S. Penttila, J. Pioquinto, D. Počanić, H. Rahangdale, J. Ramsey, A. Saunders, W. Schreyer, E.M. Scott, A. Singh, L. Tinius, A.R. Young, “Study of neutron beta decay with the Nab experiment”, Eur. Phys. J. Web of Conf. 303, 05001 (2024)
- M. Beck, W. Heil, C. Schmidt, S. Baeßler, F. Glück, G. Konrad, U. Schmidt, “Reanalysis of the electron antineutrino angular correlation measurement aSPECT with new constraints on Fierz interference”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 102501 (2024)
- D.P. Aguillard, T. Albahri, D. Allspach, A. Anisenkov, K. Badgley, S. Baeßler et al., “Detailed Report on the Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm”, Phys. Rev. D 110, 032009 (2024)
- M.T. Gericke, S. Baeßler, L. Barrón-Palos, N. Birge, J.D. Bowman, J. Calarco, V. Cianciolo, C.E. Coppola, C.B. Crawford, N. Fomin, I. Garishvili, G. L. Greene, G.M. Hale, J. Hamblen, C. Hayes, E. Iverson, M.L. Kabir, M. McCrea, P. E. Mueller, S. Penttila, E. Plemons, A. Ramírez-Morales, E.M. Scott, J. Watts, C. Wickersham,“First Precision Measurement of the Parity Violating Asymmetry in Cold Neutron Capture on 3He”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 131803 (2020)
- D. Blyth, J. Fry, N. Fomin, R. Alarcon, L. Alonzi, E. Askanazi, S. Baeßleret al.,“First Observation of P-odd γ Asymmetry in Polarized Neutron Capture on Hydrogen”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 242002 (2018)
News Items
Departmental Committees
Beitchman Summer Graduate Research Fellowship Committee (Member)
Long Range Planning Committee (Member)
Graduate Student Admissions Committee (Member)