[Effective August 25, 2024]
APS, AAAS Fellowship & Other External Recognitions Committee
- Joe Poon (Chair)
- Peter Arnold (Member)
- Gordon Cates (Member)
- Craig Dukes (Member)
- Bob Jones (Member)
Atomic Physics Seminars
- Olivier Pfister (Chair)
Beitchman Summer Graduate Research Fellowship Committee
This committee will select graduate students for Beitchman Summer Graduate Research Fellowships based on their proposals for experimental research.
- Despina Louca (Chair)
- Stefan Baeßler (Member)
- Utpal Chatterjee (Member)
- Cristina Mantilla-Suarez (Member)
- Jeffrey Teo (Member)
Chair's Advisory Committee
This committee advises the Chair and Department on standards for faculty hiring and tenure/promotion, research activities for merit raises, and promotion of faculty for awards and recognitions.
- Peter Arnold (Chair)
- Bob Hirosky (Member)
- Dima Pesin (Member)
- Olivier Pfister (Member)
- Dinko Počanić (Member)
- Joe Poon (Member)
Colloquia and Special Lectures Committee
This committee is responsible for the Friday Colloquia and Hoxton Lecture as well as any other special lectures.
- Xiaochao Zheng (Chair)
- Craig Dukes (Member)
- Israel Klich (Member)
- David Nichols (Member)
- Bellave Shivaram (Member)
Community Building Committee
- Dinko Počanić (Chair)
- Avery Bledsoe (Staff Representative)
- Erum Vohra (Undergraduate Representative)
- Sid Ajith (Grad Representative)
- Chris Neu (Member)
- Cass Sackett (Member)
Condensed Matter Seminars
- Bellave Shivaram (Chair, Fall Semester)
- Tomoya Asaba (Chair, Spring Semester)
Faculty Honor Advisor
The honor advisor answers questions of the faculty about the honor system and its procedures.
- Craig Group (Member)
Financial Aid Committee
This committee recommends graduate student financial support policies and levels; candidates for awards and fellowships.
- Chris Neu (Chair)
- Maxim Bychkov (Member)
- Dima Pesin (Member)
Graduate Program Committee
This committee will assume overall responsibility for advising the graduate students concerning their academic programs and course requirements. The committee is also responsible for reviewing the graduate programs and recommending appropriate changes to the Department faculty.
- Chris Neu (Chair)
- Peter Arnold (Member)
- Julian Heeck (Member)
- Israel Klich (Member)
- Eugene Kolomeisky (Member)
- Kent Paschke (Member)
- Olivier Pfister (Member)
- Diana Vaman (Member)
Graduate Student Admissions Committee
This committee has the responsibility for advertising the graduate programs, recruiting graduate students, and evaluating applications.
- Dima Pesin (Chair)
- Stefan Baeßler (Member)
- Gia-Wei Chern (Member)
- Julian Heeck (Member)
- Cristina Mantilla-Suarez (Member)
- Bellave Shivaram (Member)
- Kent Yagi (Member)
- Chris Neu (Ex-Officio)
Gravity Seminars
- Kent Yagi (Chair)
Grievance Committee
This committee is available to consider grievances from students that are not resolved through direct discussion with the faculty member.
- Marija Vucelja (Chair)
- Rebecca Grouchy (Member)
- Simonetta Liuti (Member)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Member)
- Dinko Počanić (Member)
High Energy Physics Seminars
- Craig Dukes (Chair)
Committee on Infrastructure and Safety
This committee is responsible for overseeing and recommending changes in the operation of Departmental machine shop, electronic shop, computer facilities, and stockroom. It is also charged with carrying out safety analyses of the department and working to ensure the safety of employees and students.
- Rick Marshall (Chair)
- Rebecca Grouchy (Member)
- Dustin Keller (Member)
- Jongsoo Yoon (Member)
Committee on Instructional Laboratories and Technologies
This committee is responsible for the instructional laboratories and technological support for lecture courses.
- Rick Marshall (Chair)
- Maxim Bychkov (Member)
- Dinko Počanić (Member)
- Bellave Shivaram (Member)
- Jongsoo Yoon (Member)
Long Range Planning Committee
This committee advises the Department and Chair on hiring and long range vision.
- Despina Louca (Chair)
- Stefan Baeßler (Member)
- Craig Dukes (Member)
- Bob Hirosky (Member)
- Bob Jones (Member)
- Israel Klich (Member)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Member)
- Joe Poon (Member)
- Cass Sackett (Member)
Nuclear Physics Seminars
- Dustin Keller (Chair)
Organization of Teaching Assistants and Graders
- Maxim Bychkov (Chair)
Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Committee
This committee will determine all applicable student awards to be presented at the May graduation ceremony. Consultation with the undergraduate and graduate program committees will be needed, as appropriate.
- Utpal Chatterjee (Chair)
- Eugene Kolomeisky (Member)
- Seunghun Lee (Member)
- Cristina Mantilla-Suarez (Member)
- Jeffrey Teo (Member)
- Marija Vucelja (Member)
Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee
This committee has the responsibility for writing, administering, and grading the Ph.D. qualifying examination. The committee normally includes the instructors of the following courses: Stat. Mech. I, Classical Mech., Quantum I and II, and E & M.
- Eugene Kolomeisky (Chair)
- Gordon Cates (Member)
- Julian Heeck (Member)
- Israel Klich (Member)
- David Nichols (Member)
- Kent Paschke (Member)
- Dima Pesin (Member)
- Jeffrey Teo (Member)
Physics Outreach and Education Committee
This committee is responsible for promoting science education efforts and for outreach to the University, public schools, and the community. As part of these efforts, the committee has the responsibility for coordinating Department efforts with those of the Center for Science Education; for planning Physics Day activities; for coordinating connections with the Virginia Academy of Sciences; and for maintaining and improving connections with the Thomas Jefferson High School of Science, Charlottesville and Albemarle public schools, and other schools and school systems throughout the state.
- Craig Group (Chair)
- Simonetta Liuti (Member)
- Jency Sundararajan (Member)
- Xiaochao Zheng (Member)
PhysicsBridge Program Committee
This committee is responsible for planning and overseeing physics Bridge Program.
- David Nichols (Chair)
Research Talks
- Eugene Kolomeisky (Chair)
Society of Physics Students Advisor
- Jency Sundararajan (Advisor)
Committee on Teaching
This committee is responsible for arranging teaching assignments, evaluating the quality of instruction and promoting excellence in teaching in all of the Department's courses.
- Diana Vaman (Chair)
- Gia-Wei Chern (Member)
- Bob Jones (Member)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Member)
- Dinko Počanić (Member)
- Kent Yagi (Member)
- Jongsoo Yoon (Member)
- Cass Sackett (Ex-Officio)
Undergraduate Program Committee
This committee will assume overall responsibility for advising the undergraduates concerning their academic programs and course requirements. It will meet with the teachers of the courses for physics majors from time to time as required to discuss matters of common concern. The committee is also responsible for recommending appropriate changes in the undergraduate program to the Department faculty.
Introductory Course Teaching
The Chair of this committee will convene the teachers in the introductory courses from time to time as required to discuss matters of common concern.- Cass Sackett (Chair)
- Gia-Wei Chern (Member)
- Craig Group (Member)
- Bob Hirosky (Member)
- Kent Paschke (Member)
- Olivier Pfister (Member)
- Jency Sundararajan (Member)
- Jongsoo Yoon (Member)
- Rick Marshall (Ex-Officio)
- Diana Vaman (Ex-Officio)
Undergraduate Scholarships and Fellowships Committee
This committee will oversee the awards of all applicable undergraduate scholarships and fellowships.
- Xiaochao Zheng (Chair)
- Gordon Cates (Member)
- Utpal Chatterjee (Member)
- Seunghun Lee (Member)
- Jeffrey Teo (Member)
- Marija Vucelja (Member)
Web Committee
This committee is responsible for keeping the departmental website functional and its content current. The committee ensures that the website continues to serve the department’s internal and external needs satisfactorily. Technical aspects of the website’s implementation are handled by the staff.
- Bryan Wright (Chair)
- Beth Guyton (Member)
- Bob Hirosky (Member)
- Rick Marshall (Member)