Jongsoo Yoon
Ph.D., 1997, Penn State
Associate Professor
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
My research is focused on understanding of phases and phase transitions in two dimensional (2D) electronic systems such as thin superconductor or metal films and semiconductor heterostructure or quantum well. At sufficiently low temperatures and high magnetic fields, these 2D systems exhibit many interesting quantum phenomena including integer and fractional quantum Hall effect, quantum phase transitions, and electron crystallization. However, many aspects of these phenomena are poorly understood.
Clear identification of phases and phase transitions should come from new and advanced measurements. To this end, we develop, design, and fabricate the most advanced devices to probe properties of 2D electronic systems. We use semiconductor microfabrication technologies to make state-of-the-art devices, such as kinetic inductance bolometers, superconducting transition-edge-sensors, and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID). With these advanced devices, high precision thermodynamic measurements are possible and also we can achieve an unprecedentedly high level of accuracy in transport, noise spectrum, and microwave conductivity measurements.
Departmental Committees
Committee on Instructional Laboratories and Technologies (Member)
Committee on Infrastructure and Safety (Member)
Undergraduate Program Committee (Member)