Gia-Wei Chern
Ph.D., 2008, Johns Hopkins University
Associate Professor
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
My primary research interests are in theoretical condensed matter physics with a special focus on magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems. Our recent research efforts focus on applying machine learning (ML) and data science methods to enable multi-scale dynamical modeling of complex systems and functional electronic materials, with a particular interest in their nonequilibrium dynamics. I am also a member of the EXCLAIM term whose goal is to apply ML/AI approaches to understand hadron structures in nuclear physics.
Selected Publications
S. Zhang, P. Zhang, G.-W. Chern, Anomalous phase separation dynamics in a correlated electron system: machine-learning enabled large-scale kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119, e2119957119 (2022).
P. Zhang, and G.-W. Chern, Machine learning nonequilibrium electron forces for adiabatic spin dynamics, npj Computational Materials 9, 32 (2023).
P. Zhang and G.-W. Chern, Arrested Phase Separation in Double-Exchange Models: Large-Scale Simulation Enabled by Machine Learning, Physical Review Letters 127, 146401 (2021).
S. Ghosh, S. Zhang, C. Cheng, and G.-W. Chern, Kinetics of orbital ordering in cooperative Jahn-Teller models: Machine-learning enabled large-scale simulations, Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 123602 (2024).
C. Cheng, S. Zhang, and G.-W. Chern, Machine learning for phase ordering dynamics of charge density waves, Phys. Rev. B 108, 014301 (2023).
G.-W. Chern, K. Barros, C. D. Batista, J. Kress, and G. Kotliar, Mott Transition in a Metallic Liquid: Gutzwiller Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Physical Review Letters 118, 226401 (2017).
G.-W. Chern and A. Saxena, PT-symmetric phase in kagome photonic lattices, Optics Letters 40, pp.5806-5809 (2015)
G.-W. Chern, C. Reichhardt, C. Nisoli, Realizing three-dimensional artificial spin ice by stacking planar nano-arrays, Applied Physics Letters 104, 013101 (2014)
I. Gilbert, G.-W. Chern, S. Zhang, L. O'Brien, B. Fore, C. Nisoli, and P. Schiffer, Emergent ice rule and magnetic charge screening from vertex frustration in articial spin ice, Nature Physics 10, 670–675 (2014) .
S. Zhang, I. Gilbert, C. Nisoli, G.-W. Chern, M. J. Erickson, L. O'Brien, C. Leighton, P. E. Lammert, V. H. Crespi, and P. Schiffer, Crystallites of magnetic charges in artificial spin ice, Nature 500, p.553-557 (2013) .
G.-W. Chern, M. J. Morrison, C. Nisoli, Degeneracy and criticality from emergent frustration in artificial spin ice, Physical Review Letters 111, 177201 (2013)
G.-W. Chern, S. Maiti, R. M. Fernandes, Peter Wolfle, Electronic transport in the Coulomb phase of the pyrochlore spin ice, Physical Review Letters 110, 146602 (2013)
G.-W. Chern, R. Moessner, Dipolar order by disorder in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice, Physical Review Letters 110, 077201 (2013)
G.-W. Chern, Congjun Wu, Four-coloring model and frustrated superfluidity in the diamond lattice, Physical Review Letters 112, 020601 (2014)
G.-W. Chern, C. D. Batista, Spontaneous quantum Hall effect via a thermally induced quadratic Fermi point, Physical Review Letters 109, 156801 (2012)
G.-W. Chern, P. Mellado, and O. Tchernyshyov, Two-stage ordering of spins in a dipolar spin ice on the kagome lattice, Physical Review Letters 106, 207202 (2011)
G.-W. Chern, Noncoplanar magnetic ordering driven by itinerant electrons on the pyrochlore lattice, Physical Review Letters 105, 226403 (2010)
G.-W. Chern and P. Mellado, Magnetic monopole polarons in artificial spin ices, Europhysics Letters 114, 37004 (2016).
G.-W. Chern, C.-C. Chien, and M. Di Ventra, Dynamically generated flat-band phases in optical kagome lattices, Physical Reivew A 90, 013609 (2014).
G.-W. Chern, N. B. Perkins, Z. Hao, Quantum 120o model on pyrochlore lattice: orbital ordering in MnV2O4, Physical Review B 81, 125127 (2010).
G.-W. Chern, C. J. Fennie, and O. Tchernyshyov, Broken parity and a chiral ground state in the frustrated magnet CdCr2O4, Physical Review B 74, 060405(R) (2006)
G.-W. Chern, and Congjun Wu, Orbital ice: p-band Mott-insulators on the diamond lattice, Physical Review E 84, 061127 (2011).
G.-W. Chern, C. Reichhardt, and C. J. Olson Reichhardt, Frustrated colloidal ordering and fully packed loops in arrays of optical traps, Physical Review E 87, 062305 (2013).
G.-W. Chern, K.-H. Lin, C.-K. Sun, Transmission of light through quantum heterostructures modulated by coherent acoustic phonons, Journal of Applied Physics 95, 1114 (2004).
News Items
Departmental Committees
Undergraduate Program Committee (Member)
Committee on Teaching (Member)
Graduate Student Admissions Committee (Member)