"Tests of General Relativity Using X-ray Data from Accreting Black Holes"Shafqat Riaz , University of Tubingen [Host: Kent Yagi]
The existence of black holes is among the most fascinating predictions of Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Black holes are thought to be ubiquitous throughout the Universe. Their immense gravitational pull enables them to accrete surrounding matter, forming an accretion disk and creating what are known as black hole-disk (BH-disk) systems. These systems provide ideal laboratories for testing theories of gravity in the regime of strong spacetime curvature, where deviations from Einstein's General Relativity are most likely to manifest. In this talk, I will discuss how BH-disk systems can be employed to test theories of gravity using reflection spectra from the disk, a method known as X-ray reflection spectroscopy. I will also address the systematic uncertainties inherent in the reflection models commonly used to study the properties of these systems. |
Gravity Seminar Friday, January 10, 2025 2:00 PM Physics Building, Room 217 Note special date. Join Zoom Meeting https://virginia.zoom.us/j/98967029610?pwd=6oWvwjKbPSGPoW6HJC6dyzac3Bo5cJ.1
Meeting ID: 989 6702 9610 Passcode: 106044 |
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