 Physics at Virginia

"Dark matter searches with the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration"

Shawn Westerdale , UC, Riverside
[Host: Craig Dukes]
The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC) is the union of the ArDM, DarkSide, DEAP, and MiniCLEAN dark matter direct detection experiments, aiming to fully explore the experimentally accessible dark matter parameter space down to the neutrino fog. While the experimental collaborations that joined to form GADMC all used argon-based detectors, they employed a variety of detector designs. This presentation will give an overview of the DarkSide-50 and DEAP-3600 detectors and present their latest results, which include some of the strongest direct detection constraints on light and ultra-heavy dark matter. In addition to their physics results, these experiments developed key technology and techniques for future detectors. We will discuss plans for these future detectors, including DarkSide-20k -- currently under construction -- and DarkSide-LowMass, covering an overview of their design and expected sensitivity and ideas for lowering detector thresholds with doped-argon detectors.
High Energy Physics Seminar
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
3:30 PM
Physics, Room 220

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