"Observational consequences of non-linear memory of gravitational waves"Shubhanshu Tiwari , University of Zurich [Host: Alexander Grant]
Non-linear memory is one of the most intriguing predictions of general relativity which is generated by the passage of gravitational waves (GWs) leaving the spacetime permanently deformed. For example a GW signal from binary black hole (BBH) will have two parts the oscillatory part which is known as the “chirp” and a much fainter non-oscillatory (DC like) part which is non-linear memory. A non-linear memory is produced by all the sources of GWs and has the peculiarity that even if the oscillatory part of the source lies at high frequency the non-linear memory will be available at low frequency. This property of non-linear memory makes it a valuable resource for GW astronomy. In this talk I will provide and introduction to how we can use gravitational waves memory as a resource for the current and future ground based detectors. To do this I will show examples of how one can creatively use the non-linear memory to probe seemingly inaccessible sources of GWs like ultra low mass compact binary mergers where the oscillatory part lies at outside the reach of any current detectors and only non-linear memory could be detected if these sources exist. Another example will be the matter effects from binary neutron stars and black hole neutron star binaries which are at high frequency but the non-linear memory is accessible. I will also discuss the post-merger neutron star memory and the prospects of its detection. |
Gravity Seminar Monday, January 30, 2023 1:30 PM Physics, Room Zoom Note special time. Note special room. Zoom link: https://virginia.zoom.us/j/96960494406?pwd=MFBMaDRvb1BQc1V3RVRpcm14eVdCQT09 Meeting ID: 969 6049 4406 Passcode: 287180 |
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