"Test of black hole firewall hypothesis by electromagnetic emissions"Sudipta Hensh , Silesian University [Host: Prof. Kent Yagi]
A recent "firewall" proposal claims to have settled the black hole information paradox. It suggests that an infalling observer is expected to encounter high-energy quanta in a region near the horizon. The fate of the observers or the very existence of the ‘’firewall’’ itself is still up for debate. Leaving those aside, we are interested in understanding observational signatures of the ‘’firewall’’ at the classical level. With this motivation, we consider a reflective ‘’firewall’’ just outside the event horizon of a Kerr black hole. I will discuss the results of our model and imprint of the ‘’firewall’’ leaves on the emission-line profile of a radiating Keplerian disk. The optical appearance of the black hole-accretion disk system will also be discussed in this context. |
Gravity Seminar Monday, January 24, 2022 1:30 PM Online, Room via Zoom Note special time. Note special room. Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84365378162Meeting ID: 843 6537 8162 Passcode: 881928 |
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