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A search for long-lived particles (LLPs) using final states including a soft displaced vertex, significant missing transverse momentum, and a jet from initial state radiation is reported. This search aims to be sensitive to soft LLPs that not only can travel 20cm before decay, but also carries very little energy that is less than 25 GeV.
Starting in 2026, LHC will begin a 2.5 years long shutdown and upgrade to High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). In HL-LHC, the number of interactions during each beam crossing will rise to 140-200, and the increased luminosity will improve the sensitivity of the search for “Beyond the standard model (BSM)” physics. However, the current Phase-1 CMS detector was designed to handle approximately only 50 pileup interactions. Therefore, MIP timing detector (MTD) is included in the upgrade plan to help solve this. MTD will give timing information of particles with 30-40 ps resolution at the start of operation, which helps the identification and reconstruction of the interactions and is necessary for maintaining the current excellent performance of the CMS detector.

High Energy Physics Seminar
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
3:30 PM
Physics, Room 220

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