Colloquium Guidelines
- The departmental colloquium is the weekly general talk for the department. All faculty and graduate students are expected to attend, and undergraduate students are welcome. At least the first 30 minutes of the talk should be understood by first year graduate students. Others outside the department are encouraged to attend.
- The inviter host is responsible for relating these guidelines to the speaker.
- The host (or someone else) should turn off the lights in room 205 at 3:25 pm to encourage people to be seated in room 204. The talk should begin promptly at 3:30 pm, and the talk and questions should end by 4:30 pm. A talk of approximately 50 minutes would allow for ample questions. After 3:30 pm the host should limit questions.
- The host and speaker should see the demo folks well in advance for help in setting up the presentation to make sure it is ready at 3:30 pm.
- Many people may have to leave the colloquium at 4:30 pm, so it is not considered impolite to leave at that time. The host should make that clear to the speaker.